Friday, August 29, 2014

Tuesday (Written Wednesday)
Nutrition: None
Back when i was cycling excessively i found that, while most of the time i really liked what i was doing, that some rides were just terrible. either i was tired, it was too hot, my knee felt funny, or i almost got hit by someone, that ride dragged on until the last mile. 

By the time i was done with two years of consistent riding, i found that these days happened much too frequently. however, they were almost always followed by a blissfully awesome ride. if i somehow managed to get back on my bike after deciding i was quitting two days ago, i was reminded why i loved riding. i felt strong, alert, enjoyed my riding buddies, and loved the scenery. all i had to do was get back on the bike.

Hopefully, this is the same for running, because my run on Tuesday sucked. i ran around greenlake as always, but just wasn't feeling it. i'd had an overwhelming first day of work, and three miles was torture. heck, two miles was torture. my stomach felt funny, my calves felt tight, the knee pain i haven't had since cycling STP came back, and i felt like i couldn't breath.

Basically, just an awful run. i worked on my mental strength (with a lot of mental swear words) and managed to run the entire three miles without stopping. and i am very proud of that.
heres to the next run, may it be way better than the last!

Nutrition: None
As expected, Thursday's run was much better. The first three miles went by easily, and the last was only difficult because I had to loop back on myself, and I hate seeing trails twice. I ran around Magnuson park, so there was lots of people watching to be had. Lots of little kids out playing soccer, frisbee and rugby.

The run felt good. My watch wouldn't link to GPS so I went on time alone, and may have ran a bit more than the four miles scheduled. I was able to keep my head in the game mostly, and my pace felt really comfortable. A fair amount of the run was on pavement, but my legs felt good and I stayed upright. My socks seem to be helping, though it takes my calves a lot longer to warm up, I haven't had any feet or calf issues yet.

It was surprising how much my mood was elevated after this run. I was really dreading it, as Tuesday's went  so badly, and was in a pretty bad mood leading up to it. But very happy afterwards! Looking forward to a long trail run this weekend WITH OTHER PEOPLE!!!

Getting antsy to swim and bike. I tested a triathlon bike last weekend on a trainer in the store, and will be taking it out for a test ride with my shoes this weekend. very excited for the time when i get to vary my workout!


Monday, August 25, 2014


All three of my runs this week felt pretty good, but I was especially glad the long run went so well. Running in the morning truly does help!

Nutrition: None

My first run was at Greenlake. The outside path is around 3.2 mi long, while the inside path is 2.8. I still haven't decided which I like better. The outside path goes next to the road, which is a bummer, but there are so many less people and it has good views of the lake.
I generally choose the outside path, to get a longer run in. This one felt really well. I tried to keep my pace up the whole time, and was happy with my finish. It always amazes me how quickly the human body can adapt to change- two weeks into training and my three milers seem like no big deal.

Nutrition: None

Thursday was supposed to be another 3 miler, but at a fast pace. Instead, I ran less than two miles of hills at Curtis's pace. As this was my last day at work, it was pretty, and I'm going to give myself a pass on the distance. I was working very hard for the same amount of time as a fast 3 miler, so I think it counts (right...?)

Nutrition: 1/2 Clif shot before run, a tiny bit at 4.5 miles

My long run fell on Sunday this week, as I did a 7 mile hike on Friday with the puppy. I felt pretty darn good on the hike, but he got injured and has a limp out of it. So no running buddy for me for a bit.

Sunday I chose to go to Discovery park and run. There were a surprising number of people at the park for a morning, but I usually go on Saturdays so it must just be different. I saw a beautiful golden retriever puppy, and the breeze of sea water and fog off of the Sound proved for a cool run.

My goal for the long runs on this training set are to have "Mental Toughness". I struggle a lot on long runs to keep myself motivated, especially if I'm having low iron, and my goal throughout the next few weeks is to keep my head in the game.

I felt like I did a very good job on this one. I had to add a couple of miles to the standard Loop trail to get up to 5 miles, and opted to do some hills at the beginning. This probably wasn't the best idea, but it helped with my Mental Toughness! I was able to complete the run, plus an extra half mile, with only walking on the really steep uphills. My brain was with me almost all the time (except when i had to take some sugar at 4.5 mi) and it felt really good. I saw a lot of people out on the trail, and everyone was very friendly. Always good to run in the city!

Very excited for my runs this week, but more excited for my NEW JOB!


Friday, August 22, 2014

Second week of training: 

Though I wasn’t expecting it to, my five mile run with Maddie on Monday in forest park felt great! It went by quickly, I walked some of the steeper hills, but on purpose, not because I felt I had to. The 3 mile easy run on Tuesday also felt great in the evening with Maddie. She ran so great on leash as well! I had to leave her at the house early to finish because she’s been tired (especially from the 5 miler on Monday).

On Wednesday, I started out the tempo run too fast and ran the first mile in 8:15, then the second in 7:50. Then had to drop back quite a bit and ran the final mile in about 10:00. It felt great though! Cooler weather is definitely for me. I felt bad leaving Maddie at home but she wouldn’t have done the run happily. Iced and chocolate milk afterwards.

Thursday I wasn’t feeling as good and calves were definitely sore in the morning before my walk with Maddie. I also forgot to take iron in the morning (I’m trying to take it every 36 hours), so I was feeling a little fatigued in general. I lifted (below)  in the afternoon, which felt great and didn’t seem to affect my legs at all. By the time I made it home after Lillian’s going away party and Thirst Thursday, I wasn’t feeling up for a run. Luckily it was an easy day, and the 4th in a row because of Calagary. So I didn’t feel too bad skipping it. I ran a little at the dog park with Maddie and felt pretty stiff in my calves, confirming my decision not to run.

Lift:        4 min row at level 6
                10 air squats
                10 back squats at 55#
                2 X 7 back squats at 65# - need to up weight next week
                8 deadlifts at 95#
                2 X 5 deadlifts at 115# - need to get stronger back, not feeling it really anywhere yet, just preventing injury
                Stretch and 3 sets of hip abduction exercises.

Pace and 6 miler this weekend!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Welcome to Stacy and Kelly's training blog!

This blog will be used as a place for Stacy and I to write down our thoughts, feelings, pictures and ideas while training for our first Half Marathon and Half Ironman.

We have our first Half Marathon on the books for November 2nd in Sisters, OR, and are planning on signing up for the Half Ironman in Victoria, BC on June 14th, 2015!

Thanks for reading and we're glad you're here!
